
Here are answers for questions you may have

Frequently Asked Questions

We have over 100 sources to generate leads. We have a separate department of ISAs whose job is to call the people who are interested in buying or selling the properties. Additionally, we also engage in the following activities: 1) Social Media Marketing 2) SEO & PPC Marketing 3) Web Channels & Marketing Influencers.

All the leads will be transferred to realtors via live transfer conducted by one of our support managers over a conference call. During this call, our support manager will introduce the realtor (whom the leads are being transferred to) to the client. In case the realtor is not available for a live transfer, we will send the leads through text or email.

Yes, there is a one-time setup fee for signing up. However, this fee will be refunded back to your account upon the first successful closing. The purpose of this fee is to ensure that only committed realtors participate and to discourage uncommitted individuals from signing up.

No, there are no monthly fees or hidden charges of any sort.

We provide realtors with verified leads that include all key information about the prospects, such as their timeline, budget, and preferred area, at no additional cost.

You can cancel our services at any time without incurring any cancellation charges.

If a realtor cancels the service but wishes to retain our leads, they are still obligated to pay us the referral fee on successfully closed transactions.

Yes, we have a support team that provides assistance to our realtors every day of the year, including weekends and holidays.

If you wish to retain our leads, you are still obligated to pay us the referral fee on successfully closed transactions.

We do not have a time contract, but we do have a basic agreement outlining the services and sign-up process. The realtor is required to sign the agreement online through email.

How we generate leads

Lead Generation



Create a robust Realtor referral network using cutting-edge, yet simple, email marketing. You can see the results of your campaigns using our Email Reporting Dashboard.



Do you have clients on Facebook, Twitter, instagram or other social media sites? We’ve got you covered. Social media marketing for Real Estate Realtors has never been so effortless!



Google Ads works for Real Estate Realtors because it’s simple. we will create the ads for Realtors with text and images and weblinks for leads and we pay when someone clicks.